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Gold Award on TKMPN XIX 2015

November 26, 2015

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Temu Karya Mutu dan Produktivitas Nasional or called by the name TKMPN is one of the largest improvement event in Indonesia that has been followed by more than 100 companies and more than 250 improvement team has performed at the event that had been held since 1997. At the TKMPN, each company compete present the best improvement they have done in each company.

The TKMPN XIX was held in Yogyakarta on 23 - 26 November 2015, and Padang Karunia Group as a member of Triputra Group compete in SS (Suggestion System) category. At this annual event, the team won Gold Award, and Padang Karunia Group was proud to receive this award as end of year’s gift.